Comfort Care Rounds
Purpose of this resource: To increase the confidence and knowledge of staff caring for residents who are living and dying in Long-term Care.
Comfort Care Rounds Read More »
Purpose of this resource: To increase the confidence and knowledge of staff caring for residents who are living and dying in Long-term Care.
Comfort Care Rounds Read More »
Après avoir examiné le Guide de soins de confort, vous aurez peut-être des questions à poser lors de la Conférence pour les proches aidants qui suivra. Cochez les questions ci-dessous que vous souhaiteriez poser et n’hésitez pas à noter vos propres questions dans le Questionnaire du proche aidant principal ci-inclus avant la conférence.
Conférence pour les proches aidants liste de questions incitatives-FR Read More »
The QPL is a list of questions designed to help the family carer in asking questions which may help them understand the process better. The QPL is a list of commonly asked questions that the family carers may wish to ask the internal facilitator during the FCC. This list is designed as a guide only and some questions may not be specific to all family carers, however it may be used as a guide of conversation for the family carer to ask questions that may not otherwise have crossed their minds, or in some cases may not be required at all. It is a companion to the Comfort Care Booklet.
Question Prompt List English Read More »
The purpose of this sub-study is to examine FCC: a) content, and b) guiding processes such as documentation and multidisciplinary staff participation using mixed methods.
The purpose of this study is to examine and compare family and staff perspectives on end-of life (EOL) care for people with dementia, as well as their family caregivers, who live in long-term care (LTC) homes. This study explored how EOL care is currently being provided to those with dementia, what facilitates the provision of care, and what challenges are experienced by staff and family caregivers.
Meaningful connections in dementia end of life care in long term care homes Read More »
This research seeks to understand various perspectives on dying alone and why it is construed as a ‘bad death,’ as well as to explore the EOL care and bereavement needs of family members of residents who recently died in a LTC home.
“Who would want to die like that?”: Perspectives on Dying Alone Read More »
This research brief explores the EOL care and bereavement needs of family members whose loved ones have recently died in a LTC home.
Advance care planning (ACP) helps individuals with progressive, life-limiting illnesses communicate their preferences for end-of-life (EOL) care to family members and healthcare providers. Despite known benefits, ACP is rarely utilized in LTC settings. To address the barriers of ACP in LTC, our team developed, implemented, and evaluated the effects of disease-specific illness trajectory pamphlets (ITPs) for five life-limiting advanced clinical syndromes of high prevalence in LTC: dementia, heart failure, COPD, renal failure, and frailty.
This study seeks to expand upon the efforts being made to support resident comfort in LTC homes by determining what aspects of EOL care are associated with a caregiver’s perceptions of a ‘good’ resident death.
End-of-Life Care and Resident Comfort in LTC: Perceptions of Bereaved Caregivers Read More »