Prince Edward Island

“Now I don’t have to guess”: Using Pamphlets to encourage residents and families/friends to engage in advance care planning in long-term care

Advance care planning (ACP) helps individuals with progressive, life-limiting illnesses communicate their preferences for end-of-life (EOL) care to family members and healthcare providers. Despite known benefits, ACP is rarely utilized in LTC settings. To address the barriers of ACP in LTC, our team developed, implemented, and evaluated the effects of disease-specific illness trajectory pamphlets (ITPs) for five life-limiting advanced clinical syndromes of high prevalence in LTC: dementia, heart failure, COPD, renal failure, and frailty.

“Now I don’t have to guess”: Using Pamphlets to encourage residents and families/friends to engage in advance care planning in long-term care Read More »

Learning about Dementia and Care near the End of Life: Question Prompt Sheet

Asking questions of health care providers can sometimes be hard. Many of us simply do not know the questions we could be asking to help us better understand and plan for the future. This question prompt sheet has been designed to open up conversations between you, your family, and members of the health care staff. The answers to these questions may not be simple or straightforward; dementia affects each person in different ways.

Learning about Dementia and Care near the End of Life: Question Prompt Sheet Read More »

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